Inspirational Stories

Hey there! My name is Vibha and I am 29 years old. My family hails from a destitute background. I always dreamt of going to a school, but it was not important for my parents. They always thought that educating me would be a waste of time and money. Ma and papa would say- “Ladki padh likh kr kya kregi"? The only and most pertinent job of a girl is to get married and run the household. Moreover, a girl child is considered a burden on the family as she will marry and go to a different house. Then what is the point of keeping her in our house? Hence, marry her off as soon as you can. Our patriarchal society is obsessed with marriages at a young age. Can you believe that I was married at the tender age of 16? At an age that revolves around studying, making friends, and playing- I was busy decorating myself as a bride. Unfortunately, I was taken away from my jovial childhood. I accepted my life the way it was.
After my marriage, one of my neighbors told me regarding the Women Literacy Center organized nearby my house. I readily went to the center and got myself enrolled. With continuous hard work and determination, I learned how to read and write Hindi & Arithmetic efficiently. Also, I performed well in my exams. Presently, I am working as the Center in- Charge at a Women Literacy Center, and teach other women to read and write. My dream that once seemed unachievable is fulfilled today just because of my diligent attitude.
Whatever you do in life, all that matters is taking small steps towards your goal. The rest of the things will eventually fall into place.