We take this opportunity to convey our thanks and gratitude to all those who have directly helped and contributed towards the completeion of this project.
The success of any project depends on the number of factors among which the proper guidance received from the experts in the industry.
We take a great opportunity to express our sincere and deep sense of gratitude to Tata Power- DDL for giving this opportunity to Dhanpatmal Virmani Education Trust, without the outright and energetic motivation, support and prompt response of your organization it would not be possible to do any justice to this project.
Dhanpatmal Virmani Education Trust and Management Society, in association with Tata Power - DDL have organized 285 Women Literacy Centers in 9 districts in North and North West Delhi. Mainly the centers are located in - Shalimar Bagh, Shakti Nagar , Rohini , Civil Lines, Narela , Moti Nagar, Keshavpuram, Mangolpuri, and Model Town. These districts are a house of women who got educated through this program "known as Center In-Charges" and now running centers and educating other women. Also, some of them are expanding their knowledge by getting further education.
Women Literacy Program came into existence in 2004. The motive of the program was to educate the illiterate adult women of the marginalized section of society. In the beginning, our intention seemed far-fetched and beyond the bounds of possibility. We commenced with only two centers in Majnu Ka Tila, in collaboration with Tata Power- DDL, teaching 60 beneficiaries annually. Since then, we have been inseparable in working with this prestigious organization.
The inception of the program ‘Women Literacy’ has been wholly successful in delivering education to the women in the most underserved areas. The program provides not only literacy but also the confidence to perform everything and anything independently
Women Literacy Program came into existence in 2004. The motive of the program was to educate the illiterate adult women of the marginalized section of society. In the beginning, our intention seemed far-fetched and beyond the bounds of possibility. We commenced with only two centers in Majnu Ka Tila, in collaboration with Tata Power- DDL, teaching 60 beneficiaries annually. Since then, we have been inseparable in working with this prestigious organization. The inception of the program ‘Women Literacy’ has been wholly successful in delivering education to the women in the most underserved areas. The program provides not only literacy but also the confidence to perform everything and anything independently
It is very well said,” Education is the only power to change the world”
Currently, 9120 beneficiaries are getting educated by this program and, these beneficiaries are sincerely following the work plan provided by Tata Power- DDL and are in the progress of gaining complete knowledge of basic Hindi and Arithmetic.
Women Literacy Center has a computer with software for teaching literacy through audio visuals. Program duration is six months spread over 45 minutes to one hour period daily normally. 30 women learn literacy at each WLC in two batches. After 6 months batch period, beneficiary women are able to read & write small sentences and little knowledge of arethmatic’s.
Literacy is like driving, if not practices initially, one tend to forget. Each WLC is also equipped with daily newspaper and post literacy kit, so that even after batch period of six month is over, past beneficiaries, if they desire, can continue to visit WLC for maintaining continuity.
Currently, 9120 beneficiaries are getting educated by this program and, these beneficiaries are sincerely following the work plan provided by Tata Power- DDL and are in the progress of gaining complete knowledge of basic Hindi and Arithmetic.
Women literacy id our superiority
Our vision is to build a literate & intellectually powerful society mainly, a community in which all the illiterate adult household women will be able to get education and become independent, earn self esteem and courage to create any source of income using their ability and skills.
Give back to society
Our mission is to bring happiness & joy to the lives of the disadvantage and marginalized section of society.
▪ Maximum the eradication of illiteracy through computer-based program
▪ Creating awareness about health, hygiene & safety.
▪ Support women of disadvantage communities to gain Self Confidence, Respect, and Honor in society.
▪ Engage with other organizations for transforming the lives of Underprivileged Women.
All 285 Centers, beneficiaries and center in-charges have made masks for community, our Center In-charges have stitched 44,992 and beneficiaries have stitched 17,325 mask to help the deprived families. Our center Incharges and beneficiaries have distributed the masks to the needy people throughout the year.
We are overwhelmed by the kind gestures of out Center In-charges and Beneficiaries, we can solely learn from them.
Multiple activities are carried out in WLC centers. We are aware about the fact that excess of the people are under work stress and anxiety about the future endures.
To resolve such problems to some measures, we decided to encourage the Center In-charges & beneficiaries to carry out activities they love the most such as stitching, cooking, etc. these activities are carried out on Saturday every year. The activities can firmly serve the Center In-charge & beneficiaries to take some pressure and stress off their minds.
After COVID the centers have started operating in online to offline mode, and our 1920 beneficiaries finally learning effectively and efficiently throughout the year directly from center in-charges. Beneficiaries & Center In-charges are together making masks, charts & posters to aware the community, learning new activities like painting & stitching.
Special computers are provided by Tata Power-DDL helping beneficiaries with their studies. They are enrolled in reading and writing of Arithmetic & Hindi. 18,240 have learned throughout the year.
Our Beneficiaries have given feedback for the Center In-charges. We are highly obliged by seeing these smiling faces and also overwhelmed by the performance of our center Incharges. All our beneficiaries have filled i.e., 18,240 given feedback every month.
Rallied are held every 2nd and 4th Saturday in all 285 Women Literacy Centers. Center Incharges, beneficiaries every month made awareness about Save water, COVID guidelines, Sahi Poshan Desh Roshan, Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, save trees & environmental related awareness. Peacefull rallied were carried out by communities aiming at giving awareness to all people for their good health and well-being.
(Self Help Group) is the new value addition activity to the Women Literacy Programe at all 285 centres in current financial year.
SHG is the group of 10-12 women of the WLC, who have attended or attending literacy program. In SHG number of group are 285 total beneficiaries covered are 3455. Total SHG account open -285
The main aim of SHG is to “learn to make regular small savings” so that saved money in their bank accounts which can be utilized during real need or crisis to start some entrepreneur activity of their own. Passbook for the bank account is also maintained every month.
Awareness and formation of SHG at each Women Literacy Centre is Supervised by dedicated SHG Coordinated as well as other WLC Coordinators. Tata PowerDDL has also organized awareness sessions during meeting with district wise Center In charge at Gulabi Bagh etc every month.
Here are the glimpse of the SHG Coordinator and Tata Power-DDL taking sessions on SHG.
Our beneficiaries at all our Women Literacy Centers belong from different communities, study together at one place with peace and harmony. India is a diverse nation where the vast population is composed of people having diverse creeds, customs, languages and colors. And the best part is all of the people live together.
Women at all centers have celebrated different festivals throughout the year with zeal, enthusiasm and love.
The Supervisor came at WLC centers and took an assessment by asking questions from WLC center In-charges about various things, like working of computers properly in centers, books provided for teaching & learning, beneficiaries presence in the classes, vocational training centers, mobile dispensary. The supervisors mark coordinator accordingly for their assessment every month.
Exams are conducted in WLC ce nters to examine the knowledge and understanding for subjects like arethmatic and hindi which all the women learn and study throughout the year with guidance of their center in-charges and coordinator through books and special computers provided by Tata Power DDL
The exams was commenced on 15th march and ended on 25th March.
We believe that exams are a part of our life – not only as a student, but as adults too!
Tata Power- DDL organized the 10th Edition of SANGAM NGO MEET 2023 held on 10th March 2023. NGO meet is like an annual day where the award is distributed to the best Center In-charge, Coordinators, Senior Coordinator & Manager who worked incredibly good throughout the year. Mr. Ganesh Srinivasan (CEO) TPDDL including other TPDDL employees were part of the event.
Senior Coordinator- Ms Seema khanna from WLC was awarded along with other 32 Center In-charges were awarded in the event.
Session conducted in Gulabi Bagh district on 14th and 15th march 2023. The center In- charges of all the districts were present along with the coordinators Through WLC literacy books the exams were conducted after delivering 1-8 chapters during this month of March.
All the beneficiaries brought their activities which they made on saturdays, litracy books along with registers were displayed during the session.
Thank you for your constant support throughout and especially during the current crisis
Women Literacy & Empowerment Program (WLEP)
Women Literacy & Empowerment Program is a program of Virmani Education Trust zealously working to provide functional literacy to underprivileged illiterate adult women. We started off with this beautiful journey in 2004 with only 2 centers at Majnu Ka Tila teaching 60 beneficiaries. There were hindrances and ups & downs and at one point we even thought of giving up. The dedication and enthusiasm of our President, C.E.O. and our Women Literacy Team did not let us fall and also the mission of the forefathers of Virmani Education Trust "Giving back to society" kept us motivated and unstoppable.
A computer module developed by Tata Consultancy Services was introduced on computers donated by them that juxtaposed text, sound, and visuals to enable an illiterate person to read and write Hindi and Arithmetic.
Today, we have 414 centers in Delhi, and Haridwar teaching 51,952 beneficiaries. During the last 13 years, 2,50,000 women, their families and community have benefited from our program.
The project runs in collaboration with Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited where 673 women, known as Abha, residing in North Delhi slums create awareness regarding safety issues from electric wires. They reach out to people by visiting them door to door. Also different initiatives of Tata Power- DDL such as Drug De-Addiction Camps, Mobile Dispensaries, Cash Vans, and LED Distribution, make people aware of their benefits. The initiative helps these women to earn money, promotes personality development, public speaking, and most importantly respect in society. Earn While Learn (EWL) is a program where women make the defaulter residents pay their old electric outstanding dues and install regular meters in place of illegal connections are also paid honorarium.
We are very much aware of the fact that private hospitals charge exorbitant fees for various basic tests and medications. The major reason behind the medical health camps is to provide the destitute community with free tests and low-cost medication. Therefore, consumers do not have to travel to distant places for minor checkups. the basic tests conducted are Blood Pressure (B.P.), Cold and Flu, Iron Deficiency, Calcium, Fever, and Body Weight.
Rallies and Campaigns are a salient part of the ABHA program and are held twice in every month. Center in-charges, beneficiaries, and ABHAs sensitize the community about health & hygiene, sanitation, Women Literacy Centers, the importance of education, and various schemes of Tata Power- DDL such as usage of LED bulbs, pay bills via Paytm or online, and electricity safety drives.
Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited in collaboration with Dhanpatmal Virmani Education Trust and Management Society is organizing 16 RO Plants at 11 J.J> Clusters, and 5 Metro Stations. Some of the RO Plants are managed and organized by the ABHAs, former beneficiaries, and center in-charges. They make the community aware regarding safe and clean drinking water.
India is a diverse nation where a vast population is composed of people having diverse creeds, customs, languages, and colors. And the best part is all of the people live together.
The same goes for the beneficiaries at all our Women Literacy Centers. They belong from different communities and study together at one place with peace and harmony. When it comes to festivals, everyone celebrates each and every festival with love and happiness, be it Diwali, Eid, Dussehra, Christmas, etc. You will see a Muslim woman celebrating Diwali, and a Hindu woman celebrating Eid. We unite people via festivals.